Ruling with RULER®

Ruling with RULER® Can conventional oil analysis tests adequately determine the presence of oxidation? Traditionally, users have utilized TAN and viscosity as the parameters to determine the presence of oxidation in an oil. However, these tests measure aspects of the oil after oxidation has occurred. If we truly want to prevent oxidation, then we should […]

Fluid Learning Announces ICML Varnish Badges Training Courses!

Fluid Learning is a Fluitec brand and focuses on curating knowledge in a dynamic, step by step, in-depth education series which covers the latest technologies, procedures and innovations found in the industrial lubrication industry. Motivated professionals seeking to increase their knowledge base, earn certification or build their skill set are ideally suited for this platform. […]

Keeping Those Phosphate Esters Clean!

In all lubricant systems, there is a constant challenge in keeping the oil free from contamination. In EHCs (Electro Hydraulic Control) systems, this remains true and takes the highest priority. In these systems, the clearances are typically smaller than regular systems. As such, it is of paramount importance that contaminants are removed from the lubricant […]