Navin Raj Natarajan
Mechanical Engineer
Industrial Gases Manufacturer
We use Fluitec ESP to extend our compressor maintenance interval. We have machines that are running just because we have Fluitec ESP on them. What were three or four year (maintenance intervals) is now five or six years. We are able to extend the life of the oil to the maintenance interval of the machine. I feel the advances we’ve made in our lube oil program is from Fluitec helping us. We understand our oil better and we now know how to take care of our oil even more.

Mark Joy
Fluitec has transformed the oil in our fleet of gas and steam turbines into Fill-For-Life lubricants. We have never changed our oil and even more we have never had a trip due to a lubrication related issue. I attribute a lot of that to Fluitec and Boost AO. When you consider we would have changed the oil twice by now and even conservatively averaging lube oil related trips and fail-to-starts, the savings are in the millions!

Hairul Nizam Ismail
Technical Director (Asset Management)
Shuaibah IWPP
Fluitec is most proactive and innovative in bringing the solutions to Shuaibah IWPP to extend the life of our turbine oils and avoid costly oil changes and shutdowns. We have no reservation in recommending Fluitec as a top contributor in the field of turbine fluids health.

N B Krishnan
Operations Manager
Emirates Power Company
Throughout all these steps, Fluitec’s staff was most helpful, available and effective. They have been most proactive in following-up on progress of the treatment, consistently exceeding our expectations. Based on our experience, we recommend Fluitec and its ESP technology to anyone who needs to perform a varnish decontamination of turbines, and so to reduce.